Radio controlled airplanes, as a hobby is growing because of the advanced technology. Remote control airplanes are sometimes tiny flying machines, and can be controlled by remotes.
The airplanes are powered usually with an electric motor or a gasoline engine.
Gas Powered Planes
You can very easily learn to fly a gas airplane. It is a thrilling experience and highly rewarding to pilot an airplane powered by methane gas. Compared to electric airplanes they are very fast.
You can very easily learn to fly a Gas airplane. It is a thrilling and highly rewarding experience to pilot an airplane with gas fuel. The gasoline engines can incorporate high speed controls, and are capable of powering remote control aircrafts. Compressed gas CO2 is made to power a piston expansion engine which turns the propeller. For large models, a popular power unit is the glow engine. It generally appears similar to a gasoline motor cycle engine. Compared to electric airplanes they are very fast. The receiver controls the respective servo which operates from the control base, in turn guiding the plane.
Type of Engine:
The prototype engine is very light (3.5 oz.). The rating of the engine is 1/7 hp at 6500.The aircraft is designed with Class A gas .49 to 0.09 engines.
Electric Motor Planes:
With Electric powered RC planes, the power plant is a battery powered motor. The throttle is controlled by the electronic speed control. The speed control instrument regulates the motor output. DC brushed motors and rechargeable batteries are used for RC planes. Nowadays more efficient brushless DC motors, with high capacity nickel metal hybride batteries are used. Lithium polymer battery airplanes have come to surpass glow engines.
Advanced technology and high performance attracts more hobbyists to go for electric powered crafts instead of a gas powered plane. You can get into flying these crafts quickly by using the RTF engine models.
Type of engine:

This child ranger is at 1/9 scale. It has 3 channels and is suitable for a 05 cobalt motor type ( 350 sq.inches ). The commander flight has 2 channel transmitters, with high voltage rechargeable 900 mAh NiMH battery.
Which engine is best?
The electric airplanes when compared to the gas engines are more efficient, because of their higher reliability and less maintenance. If you use Lithium polymer batteries and brushless motors, it would then allow you to enjoy an instant response of a high powered flight.